Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

Maximize your equipment uptime and optimize maintenance costs with CODASOL’s Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) program.  Our RCM process ensures your maintenance strategies are tailored to the specific needs of each asset, minimizing downtime and maximizing equipment reliability.

How CODA Does It

CODASOL’s RCM program follows a structured, logical approach to analyze your equipment and define the most effective maintenance strategies. Here’s what you can expect:

System Identification and Prioritization

We work with you to identify critical equipment and prioritize them based on their function, failure consequences, and operating context.

Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)

We conduct a comprehensive FMECA to identify potential failure modes for each critical asset, analyze their severity and likelihood, and determine the associated consequences.

Task Selection and Development

Based on the FMECA results, we recommend the most appropriate maintenance tasks for each failure mode. This may include preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, or condition-based monitoring strategies.

Implementation and Optimization

We assist you in implementing the RCM program, including developing procedures, training personnel, and establishing a system for continuous improvement.

Key Focus Areas

Critical equipment identification and prioritization

Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)

Preventive maintenance optimization

Predictive maintenance implementation

Condition-based monitoring strategies

RCM program development and implementation

Data-driven maintenance decision-making


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